About Guji Shakiso Natural – Guji is a zone in South-Eastern Oromia. Guji produces excellent coffee due to the land being an untouched forest for the longest of times making the land very fertile. The high altitude also adds to the quality of the coffee.
Harvest, Post-Harvest & Processing – Shakisso washing station (Tero) is named after the sub-district which the station is located in. The station took deliveries from 307 farmers in the 2023-24 harvest seasons which comes down to about 450,000 kilograms of cherries. To better focus on quality, this station was only assigned to do Natural Fermented Coffee. The output was indeed successful as it’s resulted in specialization to both the station manager and all other team members to produce best quality natural coffee and experiment with small details regarding processing through data collection.
Cultivation – Shakiso is a resourceful area with very fertile land, great coffee and a flourishing mining business. Most of the coffee trees in this area are pretty young and their varieties is usually 74410 & 74412. These two varieties have shown the most resistance to Shakiso’s environment whilst still displaying its coffee profile. Farmers in Shakiso on average have a farm land bigger than most areas at 4 hectares on average.