Brew Guide: French Press
What You Need:
- French Press
- Kettle
- Digital scale & timer
- Burr grinder (preferred for accuracy)
- Coffee [this recipe recommended for medium – dark roast. May we suggest our Colombia, Giatania]
Coffee: 23.5g
Water: 400g
Ratio: 1:17
Water Temperature: 200 °F or 20 seconds off boil
Grind Size: Medium – coarse
Brew Time: 4:00 minutes
Step 1: Coffee & Water
Place your french press on the scale and add 23.5g of medium-coarse ground coffee. Tare scale.
Start your timer and slowly pour all 400g of hot water in a slow circular motion; make sure to wet all of the coffee grounds.
Step 2: Stir, Plunge & Decant
After 4 minutes, remove the press from the scale and take a spoon and stir 3-5 times in a circular motion, forcing most of the grounds to sink to the bottom.
After stirring, insert the plunger and press down slowly. Immediately pour your coffee into a carafe or mug. This step is important in order to stop the extraction process.

This brew method is good for making large volume of coffee at once.
We recommend using a medium – dark roast coffee as this method does not highlight the unique characteristics and brightness of a light roast coffee like other brew methods.